iPhones / iPads

From the list of WiFi networks available, select OGS

You'll be prompted for a username and password

Eenter your school username (eg jsmith18) and school password

Click Join

If the username & password is correct, you'll be prompted to Trust our authentication certificate.

Ensure it's for OGS-SRV-RADIUS and click Trust

You'll be returned to the WiFi settings page and after a minute or two you'll be on the WiFi.

Mac OS

From the list of WiFi networks to available, select OGS

An authentication box should pop up asking for a username and password.

Eenter your school username (eg jsmith18) and school password

Ensure the mode of Automatic and the authentication box says you require WPA2 enterprise credentials.

Click Join

If your username and password is correct, you will see a Verfity Certificate confirmation. 

Confirm that the certificate is for OGS-SRV-RADIUS and click Continue

If prompted during the process, enter your laptop / PCs username & password to add the certificate to the keychain

Once the certificate has been added, you may need to re-join the network using the steps above.